It's been a busy week for me. There's like 2 days with only 4hours of sleep. Assignments and homework drive me crazy. And i started to miss my high school moment, National service moment.... Although National Service is harder to live on compared to University life, but at least there is no assignment to do. Life have to move on no matter what. So i decided to work hard on my assignment and get a satisfied marks. So today i just spend 5 hours of doing the academic writing outline. Hopefully it wont be rejected anymore. XD
Well, it;s been a funny day. One of the orphan that i go and visit last week called me. And the conversation went on with funny stuff. He's kinda good, i guess. As i know, he loves his sister. I wish i had a bro like him. Unfortunately, he is younger than me. A hot weather just make me headache.. maybe i am thinking too much. Brain is calling for rest? LOL
There's only english class today. On my way back to hostel, i went to have my breakfast. Nice breakfast. If only everyday is like that... LOL!! Then head to library as i need to finish up mini business report by today. Managed to finish early. Went to submit it to the lecture but he wanted to have lunch. So, we went to have lunch as well. After lunch, went back to his office and there's a lot of group are queuing up in front of his office sitting on the floor. OMG!!! that's around 2 pm. And here it goes... waiting ... waiting.... and... UP TO 5pm??? ARGHHH!! i never wait for people for so long before. Ah~ doesnt want to talk bout it already. The report submission took me the whole day of it.. WASTING my time.. Gonna be patient.... Meditation suites me now.. hahah..
7pm. Finally i can go back home!!~ hehe.. as one of my friend said, home sweet home. LOL.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
assignments, homeworks, .....
Well, it suppose to be my unlucky day ever. I cant find the source that i want to find for my english academic writting. ARGHH!~ I just hate assignments, especially 5 subjects with assignments. And i figure out 3 weeks have pass by. Why do time pass by so fast? If only i could slow down the time.... Or i should chase the time?
I admit i am frustrated yesterday. That's why i talked less during class. In the evening, went dinner outside. Well, it's quite nice to eat. Back to cyber around 8 something to 9pm. Then in msn, one of my friend asking me to go for yum cha at puchong. I was thinking since they were discussing about the planning in sarawak, what for i go? But, this is different. It's a farewell. It's really fun going out with them. I feel relax whenever i am with them. We played several games and it was fun. Then reached cyber around 1 am. I decided not to sleep and do my assignments. But ended up, 2 am sleep. And woke up around 6.30am. I just need more rest.
Here are the things i need to get it done by this week. ( hopefully)
1) English outline- Due date is on next fri.( 4th March)
2) Proposal for the assignment PCA
3) Literature homework- Due date is this fri(25th Feb)
4) write report on the orphanage visit
Do remind me if i forgot there is a due date. =)
Well, it suppose to be my unlucky day ever. I cant find the source that i want to find for my english academic writting. ARGHH!~ I just hate assignments, especially 5 subjects with assignments. And i figure out 3 weeks have pass by. Why do time pass by so fast? If only i could slow down the time.... Or i should chase the time?
I admit i am frustrated yesterday. That's why i talked less during class. In the evening, went dinner outside. Well, it's quite nice to eat. Back to cyber around 8 something to 9pm. Then in msn, one of my friend asking me to go for yum cha at puchong. I was thinking since they were discussing about the planning in sarawak, what for i go? But, this is different. It's a farewell. It's really fun going out with them. I feel relax whenever i am with them. We played several games and it was fun. Then reached cyber around 1 am. I decided not to sleep and do my assignments. But ended up, 2 am sleep. And woke up around 6.30am. I just need more rest.
Here are the things i need to get it done by this week. ( hopefully)
1) English outline- Due date is on next fri.( 4th March)
2) Proposal for the assignment PCA
3) Literature homework- Due date is this fri(25th Feb)
4) write report on the orphanage visit
Do remind me if i forgot there is a due date. =)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Computer Application was my first class today. As usual, i am on time to class. =P During the class, few of my classmates stalk on teacher's facebook and blog...! One question that i asked him was, why he dint approve me...?? And the answer to that question is my propfile pic is H&H and not my own face. That's why he din approve me.. About my pca case study, i roughly know which topic to choose and how to do it. Hopefully i can DO IT!
Went back to room after that class. Then i realize that i still got work to do.. The outline which is suppose to pass up on week 4 i havent even touch it!!!! This week is my week 3. So currently, i'm rushing on my outline of my english and proposal on PCA. And... report for my orphanage visit?? =(
Next class is on 4pm. I am so sleepy to go to that class. Especially........ HAHZ...
After class, went out to dinner with him. It's a nice dinner after all. THANKS for paying my dinner. I am really confused and dunno what to do. He asked me back with him together. But in the same time, i really really dun wanna waste his time on me. I am that kind of person when get busy, i'll forget everything including my meals. It really took time to forget about one people. He's just too nice to me. I feel like i had owe him alot of things. But i made up my mind. I wanna concentrate on my studies first before i get into any relationship. Feels sleepy and gonna sleep early.. NIGHTS!\
Went back to room after that class. Then i realize that i still got work to do.. The outline which is suppose to pass up on week 4 i havent even touch it!!!! This week is my week 3. So currently, i'm rushing on my outline of my english and proposal on PCA. And... report for my orphanage visit?? =(
Next class is on 4pm. I am so sleepy to go to that class. Especially........ HAHZ...
After class, went out to dinner with him. It's a nice dinner after all. THANKS for paying my dinner. I am really confused and dunno what to do. He asked me back with him together. But in the same time, i really really dun wanna waste his time on me. I am that kind of person when get busy, i'll forget everything including my meals. It really took time to forget about one people. He's just too nice to me. I feel like i had owe him alot of things. But i made up my mind. I wanna concentrate on my studies first before i get into any relationship. Feels sleepy and gonna sleep early.. NIGHTS!\
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Ambulance Course
First time in my sem 3 woke up so early in the morning. But this time, got morning call msg. LOL. Well, today i went to an ambulance course. It's really fun and I learned a lot of stuff. It's fun to be a RC member because from there i learned all the basic aid.
8.00 am :Gather at the STAD building and as usual, i dint late. HEHE =)
8.20 am : depart from MMU with MMU's bus. It's very nice to sit in the bus as 1 ppl sit 2 places. LOL!
9.00 am : Reached that place and it's located at KL if i'm not mistaken.
We start off with a lecture on what is the important things that should be in an ambulance and what should we do when we reached the branch. The sir also introduce a few items which i never see before. Around 10 am something, breakfast is ready. I just doesnt feel like eating breakfast as the time is going to be lunch time. We rested a while and continue the course. At 12pm, i manage to learn how to carry a victim from the accident place till ambulance. Really had a lot of fun. To be honest, i never joined this kind of things before. This is my first time to do it. XD
Then we had our lunch. The food there.... Well, erm, for me.. I got no appetite eating it. So i just ate half of it. We chit chat a lot during the lunch time. Just enjoy the moments there. Before we go home, we had exam on that course. This exam is very nice. We can ask for answers and check our own notes. If MMU exam is this nice, sure everybody can graduate very fast.LOL!
Reached MMU around 5pm something. Then i washed my clothes. Later on, i received a call from my brother asking for dinner. i ate ramen for my dinner. Thanks Bro.
8.00 am :Gather at the STAD building and as usual, i dint late. HEHE =)
8.20 am : depart from MMU with MMU's bus. It's very nice to sit in the bus as 1 ppl sit 2 places. LOL!
9.00 am : Reached that place and it's located at KL if i'm not mistaken.
We start off with a lecture on what is the important things that should be in an ambulance and what should we do when we reached the branch. The sir also introduce a few items which i never see before. Around 10 am something, breakfast is ready. I just doesnt feel like eating breakfast as the time is going to be lunch time. We rested a while and continue the course. At 12pm, i manage to learn how to carry a victim from the accident place till ambulance. Really had a lot of fun. To be honest, i never joined this kind of things before. This is my first time to do it. XD
Then we had our lunch. The food there.... Well, erm, for me.. I got no appetite eating it. So i just ate half of it. We chit chat a lot during the lunch time. Just enjoy the moments there. Before we go home, we had exam on that course. This exam is very nice. We can ask for answers and check our own notes. If MMU exam is this nice, sure everybody can graduate very fast.LOL!
Reached MMU around 5pm something. Then i washed my clothes. Later on, i received a call from my brother asking for dinner. i ate ramen for my dinner. Thanks Bro.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Orphanage home- House of Joy

Things i learned.
There are few things i learned this few days. Firstly, crying doesnt solve anything. It dosnt mean that after u cried the things will be solved. By wasting our time for crying, we can actually find the solution of it already. But i do sometimes cry, just in a while like few seconds then i can laugh back. Maybe i born to be simple and positive minded. Well, last night went to comfort one of my friend. I think she's kinda silly. Just broke up with her bf and she wanna harm herself?? I rather she hurt that guy. HAHAH... It's just not worth for it. I do cry when i broke up with him. That's just a while. Then, i am ok again. Just think in the other way round. Rather than 2 ppl suffer together, why not just one sacrifice? Maybe it'll be better for both of u??
Secondly, dying is not the solution for that. There's many ways to solve one problem. I learned that from temple. Just remember, how we compete and come to this world? And there's our family and friends will be there for us anytime. It's not our right to end our life. God will decide how long we live and all those thing. Appreciate urself and ppl will appreciate u too. If that person doesnt appreciate u, just go for whoever who appreciate u. =)
If u really want to die, please find a place that no one is there. Do not pollute our place. *cold blooded people will say that*
Thirdly, Think positively. If u think you cant do it, then u really cant do it. BUT if u think u can, then u can. You are what you think you are. Never let others judge who you are.
I really need to work hard to achieve what i want or plan to do. I demand for a higher CGPA. But the prob is, can i?? This song motivate me alot during my spm.
Secondly, dying is not the solution for that. There's many ways to solve one problem. I learned that from temple. Just remember, how we compete and come to this world? And there's our family and friends will be there for us anytime. It's not our right to end our life. God will decide how long we live and all those thing. Appreciate urself and ppl will appreciate u too. If that person doesnt appreciate u, just go for whoever who appreciate u. =)
If u really want to die, please find a place that no one is there. Do not pollute our place. *cold blooded people will say that*
Thirdly, Think positively. If u think you cant do it, then u really cant do it. BUT if u think u can, then u can. You are what you think you are. Never let others judge who you are.
I really need to work hard to achieve what i want or plan to do. I demand for a higher CGPA. But the prob is, can i?? This song motivate me alot during my spm.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Two interesting day!
Today is the most exciting day as my acc class has been canceled. I only have one class which is around 3pm-4pm. It's been a lot more fun because i can study in my room.Well, i manage to finished one chapter of Business Statistic. Went to class at 3pm. Then finished at 4 pm. But, I had a group assignment to discussed in. So stayed there till around 6pm i guess. Then went to another meeting. *not my meeting but went there to disturb they all =)* Went to dinner with my friends and straight to night meeting. Doesnt want to go for that, but celebrating friends birthday later on. So, i just went in there and sit. It's a surprising party by them but dint seems to be exciting because i guess the birthday boy already know that. Eat a slice of that cake and it's taste well. BUT fattening. HAHZ.. After meeting, we went to cinema and watch I Love Hong Kong.It's a comedy movie and it's interesting. I would strongly recommend it to everyone to watch. =)
Back at hostel around 2am, brush my teeth and NIGHTS!
12pm class is just as nice as usual. But, there is a 4pm class later. There's a gap in between the class. Mr Jimmy is funny in a way. I can roughly und what he teaches. Just love the way he teaches.=P
After class, went to FCM and had my roti canai. Then have some discussion bout assignment and lastly back to room. Just feel hot and need to take bath again.After i take bath, straight to class. Feel refreshed instance. =P
After class, went to temple following some of my friends. It's a great experience there because i learned a lot of things over there. I saw the big Buddha there and how ppl pray. I had been long time wanting to go such place to visit. It's really nice at home. I leant, When bad things happened, we just need to view it at diff angle of it and there will be solution. Meaning that, the bad things not that bad after all. That's mean there will be few solutions to one problem. A big THANK YOU to whoever that goes to the temple today. It's great and fantastic. LOVE U GUYS! LOVE RC! hehe. XD
Well, i should have study for tomorrow, saturday and sunday! Hopefully i manage my time well. =)
Today is the most exciting day as my acc class has been canceled. I only have one class which is around 3pm-4pm. It's been a lot more fun because i can study in my room.Well, i manage to finished one chapter of Business Statistic. Went to class at 3pm. Then finished at 4 pm. But, I had a group assignment to discussed in. So stayed there till around 6pm i guess. Then went to another meeting. *not my meeting but went there to disturb they all =)* Went to dinner with my friends and straight to night meeting. Doesnt want to go for that, but celebrating friends birthday later on. So, i just went in there and sit. It's a surprising party by them but dint seems to be exciting because i guess the birthday boy already know that. Eat a slice of that cake and it's taste well. BUT fattening. HAHZ.. After meeting, we went to cinema and watch I Love Hong Kong.It's a comedy movie and it's interesting. I would strongly recommend it to everyone to watch. =)
Back at hostel around 2am, brush my teeth and NIGHTS!
12pm class is just as nice as usual. But, there is a 4pm class later. There's a gap in between the class. Mr Jimmy is funny in a way. I can roughly und what he teaches. Just love the way he teaches.=P
After class, went to FCM and had my roti canai. Then have some discussion bout assignment and lastly back to room. Just feel hot and need to take bath again.After i take bath, straight to class. Feel refreshed instance. =P
After class, went to temple following some of my friends. It's a great experience there because i learned a lot of things over there. I saw the big Buddha there and how ppl pray. I had been long time wanting to go such place to visit. It's really nice at home. I leant, When bad things happened, we just need to view it at diff angle of it and there will be solution. Meaning that, the bad things not that bad after all. That's mean there will be few solutions to one problem. A big THANK YOU to whoever that goes to the temple today. It's great and fantastic. LOVE U GUYS! LOVE RC! hehe. XD
Well, i should have study for tomorrow, saturday and sunday! Hopefully i manage my time well. =)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Public Holiday

My whole day is just so boring sitting in my room and study english literature. I wish i had a car to drive anywhere i want to. There's only 2 things i did the whole day. 1) watch tv drama( as usual) (2) english literature.
My whole block of hostel is out of water service due to the construction near HB3. Luckily i bath in the morning already! =) The things i dislike of is being alone and thunder. Today two of the things happened. I am very thankful to my roommate because she had accompany me since morning till evening. I am glad that she is my roommate actually. I am really envy of those sweet couple with gifts from their bf/gf. But in another point of view, singles is better than couples. Because there will be less jealousy/ argument in the relationship and lead to breakage of friendship. Being single made my life even lonely than before. Dont know why i was thinking bout that. I just feel like going home... =(
I realized that time passes really fast. Since orientation till now third sem is just like a dream to me. I got to know a lot of friends which now become lesser and lesser. Will friendship end forever? i am doubt of that.
Oh, i remember one quote. If u fail to plan, u plan to fail. - By Lim Jim
* OMG!!! i need people to help me write wishes for the orphanage children. Who can help me??? *
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's day.
It's been a restless night for me. I just couldnt sleep well yesterday night. So i woke up early in the morning around 7.30 am. Cleaned my room and had a nice bath. Then had my breakfast and online as usual. But this morning really made me mad! I cant online in the morning and it kept telling me it's limited connectivity. I really feel mad at that time that i almost throw my lap top on the floor. But, it's my money to buy this laptop! So i dint do that. I brought my lap top all over to FCM cafe and try to online there. Still, the result is the same. So i brought it over to the lab with the intention to let Mr Willlie Poh to fix it for me. But, instead of him, i met Mr Khairi. He told me that it's the connectivity problem and not my lap top problem. Later on, he asked bout my GPA for last sem and i told him 3.5. And, guess what?? He is HAPPY with it and say GOOD! hahaha!
English is as usual and a lot of homework. Wanted to do it tomorrow, if i can. HEHE..
Business Management teacher teaches me something today which is Do What To Others And Others Will do the same thing to u too. So treat others the same way as u wan others to treat you. And the other thing is what goes out will come back in, and what goes in will go back out. So it that case, we should spend all our income in order to get back more income in return. LOL.
Night. I managed to get my friends to write wishes for the orphanage kids. THANKS A LOT! hahaha...
And my first time to write in chinese word. My roommate teached me how to write it. HEHE.. wanna see how i wrote it?? HEHEE.. NO WAY! LOL...
That's all for today! =)
English is as usual and a lot of homework. Wanted to do it tomorrow, if i can. HEHE..
Business Management teacher teaches me something today which is Do What To Others And Others Will do the same thing to u too. So treat others the same way as u wan others to treat you. And the other thing is what goes out will come back in, and what goes in will go back out. So it that case, we should spend all our income in order to get back more income in return. LOL.
Night. I managed to get my friends to write wishes for the orphanage kids. THANKS A LOT! hahaha...
And my first time to write in chinese word. My roommate teached me how to write it. HEHE.. wanna see how i wrote it?? HEHEE.. NO WAY! LOL...
That's all for today! =)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
2 days at home.
Went back home since Friday..Well, i wake up as normal in the morning, but dint go for breakfast first. Instead, i printed all my notes that i am suppose to have during my first week. I planned to study for saturday and sunday but failed to do so. So ended up printing stuff and finishing Orphanage thing. Kinda fun doing all that stuff and i kept changing plan. I dint expect that my classmates will go to and they register their name to me. Was kind of surprise and at the same time scared. I wasnt confident of what i am planning for will work the way is suppose to be. What if it doesnt? Maybe i'm that kind of person that have low self esteem. Please dont blame me if it doesnt work the way it is or it's not like everyone expect or it's boring. First time be the one that organize it. Normally,
i'm the contestant and not the organizer. I really appreciate for those who say they wanna come. But at the same time, was worried if they FFK me later.. HAHZ..
I had done almost everything for the visit include planning of games. Dont know whether the games is suitable or not. Sleep quite early today. I planned to study Accounts for Sunday. Hope this time i can really follow it. =)
Wake up in the morning to catch up with my drama. Then later, my dad ask me to go to market with him. He wants me to practice my driving skill and in the same time, help him to carry the vege. So i agree. Followed him to the market with me driving and him beside me. LOL. Saw all the aunties and uncles there. It's been a century i dint go there. Hehe... XD
Kinda miss all the past.. Back at home around 11am. Had my breakfast and start studying my acc because decided to follow my sis to shopping later in the evening. HEHE.
Evening arrives. LOL. Shopping time. with BUDGET this time and uses my own money to buy stuff. Kinda sad because cant spend much . Decided wont be going home this weekend. I must start saving up money. Seems like family money become insufficient for all of us. Since sis is working, she can spend all she wants.
Night. Packed my stuff to go MMU. Reached MMU around 10pm. Got a msg from friend and he gave me dao sa pia. hehe.. TASTY! Special thanks to him.
Tomorrow will be a new day for me. And it's Valentine day. I think wont be going anywhereas nobody dates me. =(

i'm the contestant and not the organizer. I really appreciate for those who say they wanna come. But at the same time, was worried if they FFK me later.. HAHZ..
I had done almost everything for the visit include planning of games. Dont know whether the games is suitable or not. Sleep quite early today. I planned to study Accounts for Sunday. Hope this time i can really follow it. =)
Wake up in the morning to catch up with my drama. Then later, my dad ask me to go to market with him. He wants me to practice my driving skill and in the same time, help him to carry the vege. So i agree. Followed him to the market with me driving and him beside me. LOL. Saw all the aunties and uncles there. It's been a century i dint go there. Hehe... XD
Kinda miss all the past.. Back at home around 11am. Had my breakfast and start studying my acc because decided to follow my sis to shopping later in the evening. HEHE.
Evening arrives. LOL. Shopping time. with BUDGET this time and uses my own money to buy stuff. Kinda sad because cant spend much . Decided wont be going home this weekend. I must start saving up money. Seems like family money become insufficient for all of us. Since sis is working, she can spend all she wants.
Night. Packed my stuff to go MMU. Reached MMU around 10pm. Got a msg from friend and he gave me dao sa pia. hehe.. TASTY! Special thanks to him.
Tomorrow will be a new day for me. And it's Valentine day. I think wont be going anywhereas nobody dates me. =(
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stress Free!
But still laughing is my lucky star! i shall laugh no matter what..~
Class for only an hour on friday has finally changed to monday. That's mean, i am free on FRI!!!! hehe..That day i will have to occupy it to do my homeworks and stuff as well.
I just thought of many things to be settled, but can figure it out.. I keep telling myself not to worry too much and stress free~!! Anyway thanks for those who supporting me throughout my days in MMU. Really appreciate it. Going back home today and going to be super busy for my weekend. Maybe i'll start studying.. or ... think bout the assignment first. Find all the resources for my academic writting. Hopefully i can follow my own schedule of working toward my success! hehe. This will determine my future in Degree. Support me till the end? hehehe..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
This is my fourth day of 3rd semester. Even the first week is so hectic. It is so busy that i do not have time to write blog. HEHE.. The assignments is all out and we have to form our own group. That's really making me undecidable. I just can't decide for anything. I will just hesitate to take action. I guess i will be busy for the whole semester and can't play games anymore... =( HAHZ.. it's the sacrifice of studying. Everything we do we need to sacrifice something. No matter what it is. Spend around RM60 today for business statistic book. I know, it's expensive. But the book provide us the access code to do our quizzes. So it is worth buying it..
Hopefully i manage to finish all the undone thing. =P
Just best of luck for me..
Today is the only class at 8 am and end at 6pm as well. I just dislike evening class because it'll be tired to be waiting for the class so long. It's a big break in between the subject. Went to class as usual and trying to concentrate on my subject. I just love to see my Business Statistic lecture. He is just so CUTE! LOL! Then, went to survey the price of English Traces Alpha 3 in MMU's bookshop. The book cost around RM36. It's so much expensive and it only used to one semester. I just feel that it's not worth to buy it. So, i decided to borrow my friend's book and photostat it. It only cost around RM13 in HB1. i saved a lot of money. XD
The released of my last sem result made me nervous with my heart pounding up fast. I was scared to see the result. What if i din't get what i expected to get? But i know God wil treat me well enough. So i checked the result using my friend's laptop. And guess what?? I get GPA 3.5! Wohooo~~ Although it's a bit too low from my expectation, but i manage to improve myself for that sem. I guess my assignment wasnt that good. That's why it affected my result. I got 2A and 2B. A for my english? unbelievable. Hahaha..
Spent RM18 to buy account workbook. All the book is expensive. =(
Last night, i had lot's of fun with RC's friend with Reunion dinner. It's more like a family to me. They are funny . I just feels like wanting to learn how to write chinese. LOL! Here are some pic of it.

This is my fourth day of 3rd semester. Even the first week is so hectic. It is so busy that i do not have time to write blog. HEHE.. The assignments is all out and we have to form our own group. That's really making me undecidable. I just can't decide for anything. I will just hesitate to take action. I guess i will be busy for the whole semester and can't play games anymore... =( HAHZ.. it's the sacrifice of studying. Everything we do we need to sacrifice something. No matter what it is. Spend around RM60 today for business statistic book. I know, it's expensive. But the book provide us the access code to do our quizzes. So it is worth buying it..
Hopefully i manage to finish all the undone thing. =P
Just best of luck for me..
Today is the only class at 8 am and end at 6pm as well. I just dislike evening class because it'll be tired to be waiting for the class so long. It's a big break in between the subject. Went to class as usual and trying to concentrate on my subject. I just love to see my Business Statistic lecture. He is just so CUTE! LOL! Then, went to survey the price of English Traces Alpha 3 in MMU's bookshop. The book cost around RM36. It's so much expensive and it only used to one semester. I just feel that it's not worth to buy it. So, i decided to borrow my friend's book and photostat it. It only cost around RM13 in HB1. i saved a lot of money. XD
The released of my last sem result made me nervous with my heart pounding up fast. I was scared to see the result. What if i din't get what i expected to get? But i know God wil treat me well enough. So i checked the result using my friend's laptop. And guess what?? I get GPA 3.5! Wohooo~~ Although it's a bit too low from my expectation, but i manage to improve myself for that sem. I guess my assignment wasnt that good. That's why it affected my result. I got 2A and 2B. A for my english? unbelievable. Hahaha..
Spent RM18 to buy account workbook. All the book is expensive. =(
Last night, i had lot's of fun with RC's friend with Reunion dinner. It's more like a family to me. They are funny . I just feels like wanting to learn how to write chinese. LOL! Here are some pic of it.

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First time play this.. INTERESTING |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Monday 7 feb 2011
Cant sleep well yesterday night. Maybe i'm just homesick. So, decided to wake up and had a jogging in the stadium after cleaning my room. My class will start at 4 pm today. How enjoyable i guess. Went to gym and jog in stadium this morning. And i guess i had a sunburn already. Then went to search for my breakfast as i read in the newspaper skipping breakfast will not slim down instead will get fatter. So i decided not to skip breakfast and lunch anymore. I wanna practice a healthy diet instead. HEHE
4pm, went to class. My lecture was early to class surprisingly. And as usual, many of my lecture mate is late to class. Some people just couldnt change their bad behaviour. =P
Well, there's something interesting bout today lecture. It's about business management. And most people just thinking bout profits.. What actually does matter is PROFIT??? HAHZ..
And he did mention about competition. Everyday in our life there's COMPETITION. and this is why we are here. We had competed over millions of sperms to get into an ovum. In my opinion, we compete because we wanna improve ourself. If we do not compete, we do not even know what our standard.
Class ended around 6.00pm. It had been a moderate day where my feelings are numb. Neither happy or sad. Just Neutral.
Planned to go for a movie but dint make it. It had been a heavy rain yesterday evening. Although it's quite bored at home especially during the CNY week, but i enjoy home cooked meal and being cuddles by my dad to sleep. It's the most precious time to spend time with my family after a long year. I promised myself to do a lot of thing but i think i only manage to get some of it done and left others hanging. As for my ang pau, this year i dint manage to get much from my relatives as i dint go and visit them. But i do wish them. Well, i found one of my cousin brother Facebook and added him. Chatted with him and he ask which uncle's daughter am i.. OMG!! hahz.. But cant blame him either. Cuz.... i Dont know him either. LOLX!
Well, since my class for tomorrow is 4pm, i decided to clean my room in the morning and go for jogging. Then to Gym and lastly to my breakfast or lunch. Just couldnt estimate the time for tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well for tomorrow. HEHE..
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

had food poisoning. Just a mild one. hehe.. The medicine had cost me RM35. So expensive. Then, went to Jusco with my dad to buy some fruits and foods for Chinese New Year.
Went Back home around 6 pm and i felt sleepy. ANd here i goes. Sleep until 7.30pm. Helped my mom to cook rice but end up get scolding from her. I am the type
that can easily cry. So i cried. My dinner yesterday is 11pm. I am super duper hungry but i dont feels like eating. Hahz. Mayb GoD want me to keep fit, so God made me lose
apetite. Sleep at 12 am and wake up around 6 am. Just cant sleep well.
Today is just like others day. Wake up early in the morning to eat medicine before meal. I just HATE tablets. But what to do? have to eat it no matter what.
Feels uncomfortable after eating the medicine but i guess after that, i am getting well. Thanks God. Quite a boring Chinese New Year day. No programme in the television.
And also felt sleepy.I just need a peaceful place to live in. But unfortunately my home isn't the place. My sister and my mom are of the same kind. They both talk a lot.
Sometimes, i do felt uncomfortable with their noices around. Feels disturbed by their voices. I WANT PEACE!! LOLX. But when i stayed in MMU hostel, kinda miss them a lot.
Why do people will only appreciate things when they lose it? Maybe this is the nature of human being. Reunion dinner will be tonight. Hopefully it works. That's all for now.
More on tmr.
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